Genealogical Search

The Village Clerk will make every attempt to help you locate ancestors a a minimal cost.  Please request an application if you are searching for a specific record you know to exist.  If you are unsure whether there are any records on files, please make a concise list of the names you are seeking,m the type of record you are seeking, and the probable date.  If you plan to visit our office, advance notice is helpful, please contact us at 845-358-0548 and please complete the Genealogy Services Application.

  1. Genealogical Research:  Uncertified copies or abstracts from records of birth and death may be provided for genealogical research purposes subject to the restrictions specified in this summary.  All requests must be submitted in writing using the specified form and include payment of the applicable statutory fee.  ID required (current driver's license or passport).  The applicant shall be required to pay the specified fee for the time spent for the search and uncertified copy of notification of no record. 
  2. Who is authorized to do the researching?  Record searches shall be conducted only by the following persons in the files maintained by their respective agencies: 
    • Authorized employees of the State Department of Health; 
    • A local registrar, deputy registrar, or an authorized employee of the registrar;
    • A town or city clerk, deputy clerk, or an authorized employee of the town or city clerk.
  3. What records are available: 
    • No information shall be released from a record of birth which has been placed in a confidential file pursuant to Public Heal Law Section 4138.
    • No information shall be released from a record of birth unless the record has been on file for at least 75 years and the person to whom the record relates is known to the applicant to be deceased.
    • No information shall be released from a record of death unless the record has been on file for at least 50 years. 
    • No information shall be released from a record of marriage unless the record has been on file for at least 50 years and the parties to the marriage are known to the applicant to be deceased.
    • The time periods specified above are waived if the applicant is a descendant or has been designated to act on behalf of a descendant of the person whose record is being requested.  A descendant is a person in the direct line of descent.  The applicant shall provide documentation of descendancy prior to the release of information in those instances where a waiver of the waiting period is requested.  A party acting on behalf of a descendant shall further provide documentation that the descendant authorized the party to make such application. 
    • All uncertified copies, abstracts, or information issued for genealogical research purposes shall be clearly marked with the statement "For Genealogical Purposes Only"
  4. Genealogy Fee Schedule:    
    1-3 Years $22.00
    4-10 Years $42.00
    11-20 Years $62.00
    21-30 Years $82.00
    31-40 Years $102.00
    41-50 Years $122.00
    51-60 Years $142.00
    61-70 Years $162.00