July 22, 2019

Every summer, as residents of Nyack we are fortunate to have a concert series at Memorial Park that we can attend free of charge. This series is sponsored by the Nyack Park Conservancy, a non profit organization, with a mission to sustain and improve our parks, these local natural treasures. This summer’s line up consists of a variety of musical talents. We kicked off the summer on July 2nd, with Dead Meat, a Grateful Dead Tribute Band, on July 9th we listened to the tunes of UpSouth Twisters and got carried away by the Remax Ballon, last week July 16th was reggae night with I Anbassa and we have Mr. Breakdown and PreFab 4, the Beatles tribute band to round out this summer’s series. This series is just another way Nyack celebrates diversity and brings community together.

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