July 8, 2019

I’d like to take a few minutes to recognize those who serve our community as firefighters and emergency medical technitions. All to often, we take for granted the vital services these people provide us every day. It takes a very special person to provide these services to our community - one that is selfless, compassionate, dedicated and enthusiastic about improving the safety and well being of the neighborhood. The Fireman’s Training Center is an organization committed to training those with a desire to help others. Since 1973, the Fireman’s Training Center has trained individuals to become fire service leaders. In just a few days, this Center is offering a Fire and EMS Youth Academy to students between the ages of 12 and 15. Classes begin July 15th, and will provide young members of the community with a skill set that to prevent fires and preserve and protect our community. For more information and to register please contact the Rockland County Office of Fire & Emergency Services. (845) 364 8800. RCFTC@co.rockland.ny.us

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